Water Damage Restoration Average Cost

Earth is made up of 2/3 of water. Our body itself is made up of 60% water. It is life. Yet, the destruction it brings can take up our lives.

Naturally occurring disasters are things that humans can’t control. However, due to the aggravation of climate change, its intensity strengthens, causing greater damage to human livestock and industries. Flooding is one of them. In fact, it had the most number of fatalities rather than the other natural disasters.

If this occurs to you, make sure to get in touch with the government updates about it for your safety. If they announce that it is safe to get back to your homes after an evacuation, make sure to note the following:

1. Bring your safety kit with you.

2. Watch out for electric lines that may be submerged in water that may cause you sudden death.

3. Walk carefully as you may slip on wet areas and cause an accident.

4. Check your house with a friend.

5. Assess the damage if it can be fixed by self-help.

6. If not, call a water damage restoration contractor.


The water damage restoration average cost should be known. For most homes, the water that went inside your home has destroyed many things inside, especially if you weren’t well-prepared for the disaster. This is when water damage restoration enters the scenario. They do not only dry up the water stocked up inside your house but also make sure that the damage done to your homes is restored. They are priced differently, which is obviously more expensive to have your home repaired for more than $5000 and drain it for over a half less.

However, there are still factors that would tell the water restoration damage average cost:

1. Clean water – as the name suggests, clean water is the kind of water that is less freaky to deal with and, therefore, also costs less than $4 per square foot. Clean water refers to water from broken pipes, faucet leaking, rain, or condensation.

2. Gray water – this is referred to as the average freaky water to manage as it could be possibly contaminated and, of course, cost you $4.50 per square foot or more. Gray water could come from either broken washing machines or dishwashers.

3. Blackwater – the worst type of water that is most dangerous for households to work with and thus needs professional action. These cost around $7 per square foot, and the water is very contaminated coming from sewers or a canal flooding nearby your house.

Don’t worry. Inside your home, there are a few things that the flood may damage. However, others made from water-proof and durable materials will endure. Here are things inside your home that are vulnerable to water:

1. Electric wirings should be on the top list. This is a very dangerous case of your electrical wiring being submerged in water. Contact with it could cause electric shock. Dangerous things like these need a professional for the job to be done.

2. Your water pipes could be damaged, so don’t drink the water from your faucet.

3. Your appliances should also be immediately brought into an open space as they produce dangerous gases. Ventilation appliances that are flooded can also be contaminated and damage mechanical components inside. Professional cleaning is recommended.

4. Everything in your house made of wood that was reached by water could lose its strength when wet and broken. This needs to be dried and disinfected as much as possible and avoid additional charges for replacements.

5. You can still save your flooring carpet if it does not contain a foam-like structure by professional cleaning. However, you may need a replacement if it does because it could house contaminants and germs.

However, if you’re confident enough to do the work, here are the tips on how to restore your home. It will cause you a lesser water damage restoration average cost.

1. Starting from the top, start from the top. Take a look at your ceiling before everything else. If damaged, then repair them first. You don’t want to be messing with the house again after finishing everything below it. Don’t forget to test it out and find where the leak is. Otherwise, your cleaning will be useless.

2. Due to the water contact with certain materials of your home, mold, and mildew could start to grow within your house. Make sure to remove the part where the infected area is to prevent it from thriving inside your home. However, worst-case mold infection is a sign to call for professional help.

3. Do not miss moisture in certain parts of your home as it may not dry out, and destroy the materials instead.

4. Do not forget to disinfect materials that have been submerged in water. The contamination and bacteria may live out on it and cause you or your family members to become ill.

5. Certain materials such as porous and rotting wood should be replaced. The house foundation made of wood that rotted from all the flooding could collapse.

6. If you’re floor is affected too, have it replaced with water-proof material, ceramic tiles, and the likes so that it won’t be a problem again.

7. Finally, after making sure that everything is covered, paint the stains the same color as the surface it sits.


If you think that the pricing for water damage restoration is too much for your budget, check your home insurance to see if it covers the kind of water problem you’re dealing with. This way, your worries, and charges are lessened to your beneficence.


Though water can be a destructing force, there will always be a solution to your problems. If your home is too huge to work on yourself, considering a professional service could be a lifesaver as much as you also want your things to be restored. Professional help can bring out the best in your home just as new, and you can live there again free from worries. Find out how water damage restoration average cost varries from the companies that offers this service.


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