Does Insurance Cover Water Damage?

Water damage insurance incorporates policies against accidental or sudden water damage. Does insurance cover water damage? Basically, homeowner insurance covers certain types of water damage, but not all. It doesn’t cover water damage as a result of negligence or improper maintenance and repair. In addition, flooding requires a separate insurance policy. Since insurance water damage doesn’t cover negligence, it’s your responsibility to care for and maintain your property. Sometimes it’s hard to detect water damage; therefore, you should consider hiring professional inspection services. Homeowners should repair minor damages to prevent major issues that might cost them more money.


The most common insurance policy is the HO-3 policy. This policy covers your liability, personal belongings, and home structure in the event of damage. Therefore, homeowner insurance can cover a wide range of damages, especially if it incorporates the peril. Typically, homeowners shouldn’t worry about water damage insurance cover because it covers many cases. Below are the types of water damage that are covered by homeowner insurance.

1. Heavy Rain

Homeowner water insurance covers heavy rain and storms. Therefore, if rain damages your indoor and outdoor property, an insurance company will be liable for the repairs. Also, the insurance firm will repair your floors and walls, subject to your limits and deductibles. However, if the water damage was a result of negligence, it won’t be covered. For instance, if you leave your doors or windows wide open and heavy rain damages your furniture, the insurance company won’t be liable.

2. Leaking Pipes

Accidental leaking is among the types of water damage that your insurance provider will cover. The dwelling coverage provides protection against this type of water damage. Some of the common accidental leaks include plumbing leaks and appliance leaks, such as broken dishwashers or washing machines.

3. Burst Pipes

There are numerous reasons why your pipes burst: corrosion, tree root encroachment, freezing, clogs, the soil shifting, and high water pressure. A homeowner insurance cover would repair the issue only if the damage wasn’t as a result of negligence. For instance, if your pipes burst due to improper heating, then the insurance company won’t be liable.

4. Ice dams

Ice build-up on the roof and gutters can cause either minor or major damage, depending on its magnitude. An insurance firm will cover sudden damages. In addition, the insurance company will analyze and evaluate the incident to ensure it wasn’t caused by the improper roof or gutter maintenance.

5. Water damage after fire outbreak

Your personal property and dwelling coverages will cover water damage that results from a fire outbreak. In addition, if the water that firefighters use to compact fire outbreak destroys your furniture, flooring, and sheetrock, the insurance company should pay for the damages. Note that your insurance policy provider won’t cover fire outbreaks or water damage that results from negligence.

6. Roof Leaks

There’s an array of elements that contribute to roof leaks: weather, rooftop equipment, issues with seams, people, storms, and neglect. Prevention is better than repair; therefore, homeowners should care for and maintain all aspects of their property. Note that if an accident damages your roof, you’ll be required to hire emergency roofers to fix the problem. Improper installation can increase the magnitude of the problem. Keep in mind that further water damage won’t be included in the insurance cover.


a. Water damage from earth movement

Some water damages come as a result of mudslides, landslides, and earthquakes. If water damage results from these types of earth movement, the insurance company won’t be liable. Therefore, homeowners should buy separate earthquake insurance.

b. Flood damage

Property damages as a result of flooding aren’t covered by an insurance policy. In this case, flood water includes tsunamis, hurricanes, water from overflowing rivers, water due to heavy rains, and storm surges. If you live in a place that’s prone to these issues, consider a flood insurance policy.

c. Sump pump failure

If your sump pump fails as a result of poor maintenance, the insurance company won’t be liable. Therefore, homeowners should consider investing in sump pump coverage.

d. Lack of Proper Maintenance

Insufficient property maintenance can increase the risk of water damage. Lack of maintenance goes hand-in-hand with negligence. Failing to repair plumbing issues can cause water damage. The insurance company won’t pay for the damages.


There are numerous ways of preventing water damage. Some of these ways include the following:

I. Clean Gutters

Homeowners should clean their gutters at least twice per year. Gutter cleaning might seem an easy task, but that isn’t the case. Therefore, you should consider hiring professional gutter cleaning services. Expert gutter cleaners will clean not only the gutters but also the downspouts.

ii. Disconnect hoses

You should disconnect your hoses regularly to reduce the risk of pipe freezing. As previously mentioned, pipe freezing can cause water damage.

iii. Maintain trees

Thriving trees play a significant role in improving your home’s curb appeal and aesthetic value. However, homeowners should avoid landscaping near utility pipes. This is because roots can wrap around your hoses and break them. In addition, homeowners should trim trees near their homes to minimize the risk of roof damage.

iv. Maintain Appliances

Based on research, malfunctioning appliances are the most common cause of indoor water damage. Therefore, homeowners should schedule a routine appliance maintenance session. Checking and maintaining your appliances regularly should be your top priority. This is because it helps you increase your savings and minimize your maintenance costs.

v. Install water detection devices

Currently, there are numerous types of sensors that’ll detect moisture. The sensor detects slow leaks and low moisture levels before the problem escalates. Therefore, you should install these detection devices near sump pumps, water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines.


While it’s essential to maintain your home regularly, it’s also a great idea to conduct your insurance provider to check what is or isn’t covered in the insurance policy. In addition, ensure you consider other insurance covers that might be suitable for your property.


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